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Making the Complex, Simple

Life is busy and demands on executives are high, time is becoming scarcer than ever. We believe in making the complicated simple. By delivering exceptional independent advice with faultless service and support we help our clients create their financial freedom.


Meyado has been defining financial advice to international executives for over twenty-five years. We are one of the few directly regulated advisers to be authorised in London and across the twenty-seven countries of Europe and the EEA

Financial Security for You and Your Family

The best on-going advice available 

When you become a client of Meyado’s you will receive the best advice available. Before we carry out any work for you, fees and charges will be agreed at the outset.


However, what really makes Meyado a stand-out company to work with is our on-going service, which can be accessed at two levels without having to move your existing investments. We believe the main reason portfolios underperform is that asset allocations become outdated, so we aim to fix this for you simply, by selecting the service that best suits your needs.


We believe this service offering sets us apart from other Wealth Management companies and often increases their performance, reduces the on-going management charges and avoids costly and unnecessary discretionary management fees. Our objective is to provide the highest performing investments with the lowest risk at the best cost.


So please do contact us and let us know what we can do for you 


Our Services

Full Financial Review

Whether you're looking for a comfortable retirement or to secure the best start in life for your children, we can help you make financial decisions that will secure your financial future

Current Investments

We believe it is important to constantly assess your investments.  Making changes and adjustments to investments is vital to ensuring continued growth 

Tax Evaluation

While saving and investing for the most important things in life, tax efficiency is essential to maximise all your funds.  We will guide you through the relevant tax regime which apply to you. 


Each of our client's requirements are different and our 24/7 Personal Insurance Concierge service ensures our clients can always reach us. We will also consult on Protection Insurances

Currency Exchange

Transferring funds back to the UK can be an expensive business. Our consultants can determine the best and most competitive offering for each or our clients

Retirement & Estate

Establishing what is in your estate, what you are liable for and how to pass it on efficiently are essential to Estate Planning. We will align this with navigation of changes to the UK pension market

Would you like to talk?

Our advisers are here to talk whenever you are ready. Whether it is to discuss family investments, business issues or returning home, our team will work with you to find the right options for you.  Let us help you find your freedom.

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